
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Alrighty! So surprise for y’all: this week, I decided to write two blog posts! I figured I should write one blog post about where I am at Spiritually and then another one where I can just share all the things that are going on. Here’s the everything I can remember and feel ready to share with y’all. Writing things down is how I have processed all the good, bad and in-betweens, so here’s a list:

August 27th Saturday

–          Left home with Mom and Dad at 4:30am to get on a plane for Atlanta, Georgia

–          Arrived in Atlanta Georgia! Felt pretty good and nervous to meet everyone and to say goodbye to my parents

–          Waited in line for the shuttle, saw a whole bunch of people with backpacks like mine!

–          Met Grace Bode and Hannah Ritchie from Gap J Squad!

–          Parent Launch; my parents go off for their own training and chance to make friends while I went and met some more people from my Squad and waited for others to arrive

–          Met the entire Squad in person for the very first time! It didn’t feel real and was incredibly strange to know names but not faces 

–          Lot’s of first day craziness that is pretty hard to describe but here are some summary words: overwhelming, exciting and nerve-wracking

August 28th Sunday

–          Session One

–          Walked 19 minutes from Hotel to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast with Hope and Sophia

–          Ended up going to McDonalds

–          Packed up my bags for the bus ride

–          Last lunch with Mom and Dad and some new friends

–          Said goodbye and cried a little bit

–          Officially left for training camp!

–          Talked the ENTIRE way there with Jules (Julia)

–          Arrived in Gainesville, set up my tent and realized this would be home for the next month

–          Tour of the campus, saw the bucket showers!

–          Session Two and J Squad hang out

–          Spontaneous worship night with nothing but our voices and a guitar

–          Saw the stars in Georgia and felt at peace about where I was and what God was going to do through me

August 29th Monday

–          Pancakes for breakfast!

–          Getting to know everyone a little bit better but still kind of nervous

–          Reminding myself of God’s promises and to trust in Him

–          Morning Session: “What is Truth?” Talked about how to get the truth, where to find it and that it is not something I believe, it is a person I am in relationship with.

–          Felt hunger for God and to learn as much as I can

–          Mission Mandate Lesson

–          Missed home but excited for what was to come

August 30th Tuesday

–          Morning Devotional : John 15

–          Prayer walk with the Squad

–          Sat with new friends during each meal of the day

–          Played Hackysack for the first time ever

–          Watched a Tortilla ‘fight’

–          Found out there were vending machines with COFFEE!!!

–          Talked about the Holy Spirit with leaders

–          Cried during Worship

–          Laughed with J Squad

–          Session about Who God is, His character, love and even more

–          Met with an Advisor from the College of Athens in Georgia to talk about taking classes there

–          Learned How to share the Gospel with the 10-40 (The Sections of the World where the Gospel is relatively unknown)

–          S’mores to celebrate someone’s Birthday!

–          Danced by the fire and felt joy to be a part of this community

August 31st Wednesday (Oh my gosh it’s only Wednesday)

–          Keys for the Journey, a necklace with a prophetic word printed onto a key. My key says “Roar” we’ll see what God fulfills in that way

–          Group ran out of breakfast!

–          BUCKET SHOWERS!!! After about 4 days without a shower

–          Session about Identity, I cried a lot and discovered there is so much I need to grow in

–          Connection and comfortability amongst the squad

–          Opened up to my team about my testimony

–          Felt conviction during session “Life is Ministry and Ministry is Life”

–          Got on my knees during worship

–          Prayed over two strangers

–          Felt the Holy Spirit moving

–          Talked with a lot of people about so many different amazing things

–          Was scared to be myself but let God lead me through it

September 1st Thursday

–          Morning workout with the Squad, we stretched!

–          Changed up the table layout into one big I shape so everyone could be together for meals

–          Sat on the floor during Session as practice for when we will be doing that in other countries

–          Missed my parents hugs so I got a few from some friends

–          Met our Coaches! Three married couples who will come to visit us throughout our mission to pour into our hearts and teach us

–          Team Building! Challenges to teach my team about working together even when things get difficult on the race

–          Wore one of my skirts for the first time

–          LAUNDRY! We washed our clothes in Home Depot buckets and hung them to dry on clotheslines

–          One of the community clothesline BROKE

–          2 Truths and a Lie with my Coaches Chantel and Brad ‘

–          Cleaned showers and did the dishes as a squad

–          Read Romans 8

–          Witnessed physical healings from God (I’m going to share more about this at a later date)

–          Felt emotions that I can’t describe

–          Night of prayer; the squad took shifts throughout the night and sat up together to pray over our mission and community

–          Trusting in God and trying to walk in obedience with the Holy Spirit

September 2nd Friday

–          Session over Forgiveness and what it means to walk in forgiveness

–          Learned that forgiveness is a choice and not an emotion

–          Felt what it means to fear the Lord in an awe-struck way

–          Listened to my squad mates and how they were feeling

–          Realized I wasn’t alone in how I felt and that communication is going to be super important

–          Felt uncomfortable but pushed through by with the strength of God

–          Danced in the rain with people from another Gap year group

–          Had a dishes battle with J Squad

–          Slept GOOD and took a nap

–          Revival worship night

–          Ate Indian food without utensils

September 3rd Saturday

–          Coaches Darla and Chris led a session about Intimacy with God

–          Got to be alone for the first time since we arrived

–          Showered in an actual shower!

–          Talked about women’s position in the leadership of the Church

–          Loved to see the differences in everyone and to learn more about our backgrounds

–          Everything was damp from the rain

–          Learned about Philadelphia from Jules and Hannah

–          2 hours just resting with God and not worried about growth or anything other than being with Him

–          Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

–          Women’s session about Beauty

–          Women’s Q&A with Coaches and then got to ask the male Coaches questions and receive answers

And now it’s Sunday and I feel proud of all that has happened. It’s been a lot, so much to think over and not a whole bunch of time to sit and process. But it has been good and I know I’m supposed to be here. I want to promise that the format won’t be like this every week, but I have no idea what God has in store! So please, keep reading and praying over this adventure! Thank you all so much for taking the time to learn about Week One and have an incredible day.

–          Emma

8 responses to “Beginning of Training Camp!!!”

  1. LOVED reading through this!! I can feel the momentum gaining as I read through what’s been going on. So excited for you and all that God is doing within J Squad, you and your leaders. Love the image of you all dancing in the rain and being so joyful and Spirit filled!!

  2. Hey there girl! So good to hear from you and excited how God is growing you already! Sounds like you are right where God wants you to be. Can’t wait to hear how he will you use these next 9 months. I love seeing your blog. Find your way into more pictures!! Love you!??

  3. Emma, we are so thrilled to get to read your report of what’s happening so far. It sounds like you are already growing in God, enjoying the presence of your squad and leaders, and enjoying the activities. We will be praying for you to stay well, for your protection, and for you to continue to have your heart filled with awe and happiness all during your ministry. We love you dearly.

  4. Emma,
    Words just can’t describe how proud I am of you for stepping out in faith and taking on this challenge. What an incredible opportunity! I can’t wait to hear how God moves in your life and the lives of those you reach. I love you, sweet girl. You are so special.